The Enlightening Media website is re-newed and we might be looking for you!

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Dear Facebook-a-teers! Fans & Client & Readers!The website is online again. Full with new Material I Articles I Healings I Inspiration I MoviesI I Meditations I Great new lectures and new coaching porgrammes! 🙂 Hurray!
Dear Facebook-a-teers! The website is online again. Full with New Material I Articles I Healings I Inspiration I MoviesI I Meditations I Great new lectures and new coaching programmes! 🙂 Hurray!
We also added the posibility for Internhips I Volunteers and Jobs.
We also are looking for a new house and work place.- Will you help us to create a worldwide global awarenes and love bomb to the world? <3 <3 <3
*We are also looking for donations I Sponsor and companies that believe in us- To advertise on our website in joint forces.
*There are new feature like twitter, instagram and pinterest and translate buttons to read articles in any language.
*We search for New Independent, honest journalists who write independent and ‘ true news. ‘
‘New’, independent researches- Who make their own news, deep-down New Energy Journalsim, with a strong/grounded personality- With No fear of speaking the truth To make people aware, awake, in Love and with great facts and figures to make it.
* Commercial magagers
* Personal assistant
* Graphic designers
* Social media and wordpress wizzards
* Publishers for books
* Photographers
* Tranlators from NL to Eng, deutch, french, spanish etc.
* Undertitlers for Movie on youtube in other languages- So everyone can enjoy the free lectures!
* Youtube editors who wizzard short movie into clean, good cut and flashy news-items.
* A lawyer who wants to defend univeral Human Laws and Copyright- Big cases that break open new paths
* Websites I Magazines I Tv-stations I Radio-stations I Platforms I Organisations I Companies I Groups with the same vission and mission to re-publish our work and work together to make the Global shift happen!
* Internships/student in education
You can help us everyday by sharing the articles and lectures eveywhere you go ;-)))
We love you- Thank you for believing in us- You are a hero!
Love Leda de Zwaan
CEO/Owner Enlightening