Biography, Mission and Life Story

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I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in written and audiovisual journalism.
In addition, I have been giving practical experience in healing, guiding and coaching adults and children for fifteen years. Partners, who want to develop their relationship together. (Such as HSP, ADD or so-called “twin flame”). Children who have HSP or ADD, who want to learn how to deal with their gifts. People who want to get out of depression after a period of ‘mourning or sadness’. Or want to get over their illness. Want to learn to stand in their power. Wanting to learn to love oneself. Want to find their mission. You can also go for purifications, cleansing (at every level), healings, massage, talk therapy, detox cures, and learn to deal with your gifts as strength. She is a very experienced regression therapist, who works with you to heal energetic blockages, karma and past lives. But you can also use this therapy to get rid of addictions, or relationship circles that keep attracting you. We are going to see through patterns, and ‘tack’ them, and break through!

Leda graduated with a bachelor’s degree in written and audiovisual journalism

She grew up in a large family with five children. She was born a highly sensitive (HSP) and psychic child. She often had a very difficult time coping with this, and felt very lonely in this.

She already learned the tricks of the trade from her parents, because together they wrote more than twenty books in the field of Spirituality and Psychology. In addition, her parents had a busy practice as a spiritual therapist. Alone, but also together with her father, Leda traveled around the world at a young age. She saw poverty in third world countries at a very young age, and this made a huge impression on her. As a child she started writing essays about what she saw in the world, and about her inner world. She also visited temples and holy places, places of pilgrimage, churches and magical places. She was in Stonehenge, the pyramids, Ayer’s rock, Lourdes, Rome, Buddhist temples, among others, where she came into contact with the spiritual even more. Every day she was hungry for ‘wanting to know everything about how people think, work and function. Where we come from, the history of ancient cultures and how our sixth sense works.”

During her studies she also took part in many writing competitions, singing auditions (sound mix show) and modeling.

She began her career as a television producer at MTV Networks, where she was also able to fuse her passion for music with television. Here she produced two daily Live shows, in which famous guests took center stage. She met many stars from home and abroad.

Then she got the opportunity to work for RTL Nederland, at the correspondent of Nina Jurna from Paramaribo, Suriname. She left for this former colony alone at the age of 23.

This changed her life. In this tropical, strange and indescribably beautiful country, she immediately found her way. In addition to many beautiful reports that they made together for RTL news, she came into contact with her spirituality that she held so highly in her youth. Mainly, because the people in Suriname possess a great deal of wisdom about life, nature, spirits, and ancestors. She saw up close how medicine men worked and cured people of serious illnesses by drinking herbal mixtures. How to interpret your dreams, how to invoke your ancestors, how to turn to the spirit world for advice. How you no longer take pills against diseases like in the West, but learn to heal yourself using your intuition.

She took this knowledge back to the Netherlands, and Leda traveled up and down between the Netherlands and Suriname for four years.

In the Netherlands, she worked for a year as a consultant at the media park in Hilversum, where she recruited and placed staff at various major television channels.

Then the ultimate opportunity presented itself: The program ‘The Sixth Sense’ was about to start, and had never been shown on television before.

She was part of the editorial team as a desk editor, wrote the tests and shooting scenarios. With a cameraman she went throughout the Netherlands to test psychics and to guide them during the program.

After participating in this successful program for nine months, she returned to Suriname.

There, what no one expected happened: a grueling and debilitating disease process. Doctors didn’t know what was wrong with her, but it soon became apparent that it was serious. She had severe fevers every day, lost ten pounds, and passed out several times a day. It seemed as if she could sense everything about everything and everyone and even light and sound became unbearable. From a busy life with a glorious career, going out a lot, and traveling a lot, she immediately became non-active.

That was the turning point for her. She now turned all the way to her spiritual roots, and began to meditate and explore her intuition again. She realized that, completely against her intuition, she had gone to live in the wrong place. Had the wrong people in her life, taken the wrong food and crossed all her boundaries. A rollercoaster of emotions started, where she had to go back into her past to process and rectify all blockages, wrong energies and wrong food. She believed she could revive her energy and body and regenerate herself: heal. Her journey went back not only to even her childhood and birth, but, as it turned out, many lifetimes before that. She traveled through all times, and this also meant: time doesn’t really exist. It was an unprecedented time, a real hell. When all your peers go on vacations, and go out every weekend. Everything passes you by, and there was no prospect of any progress. Yet every day that inner voice stayed there: ‘be glad that all this happens when you are 25 years old, and not when you are 50 years old. Now you find out that everything has to change. After this you will inspire and help a lot of people. You grow old with a big smile on your face.” And that’s what I did it all for, “something inside me said everything was going to be all right, and that I finally know what my mission is.”

Because of her hectic western life, she had forgotten how strong her connection with the universe was, and how she communicated with her real “me” as a child. For years she had forgotten to listen to her inner voice. She began to tune in to this again, doing whatever intuitively presented itself to get better. No matter what doctors, friends, or family thought, she only did what her voice told her to get better. Instead of feeling lonely, she never felt alone again. She even cut the most important people out of her life, ended her relationship and broke up with anyone who didn’t feel right anymore. Very special people immediately took their place. You will be rewarded for tough decisions. Lie in bed for three years and still rehabilitate with little energy, and change course. And to realize that you lived your whole life for others, and that this love was not reciprocated. The only one who can love you is you. And loving yourself is a long process. That had to be implemented now.

She decided not to listen to doctors anymore, or anyone. She came to rely only on her own wisdom. She took her lessons from this event, and along with her positivity and large dose of humor, the grueling process of illness got better and better.

She started again with her passions of singing, writing and dancing. She turned to training in: shamanism, wicca, intuitive development, voice dialogue, high sensitivity (HSP), ADD, nutrition, acupressure, foot reflexology, regression therapy and coaching.

She learned even better to use her psychic abilities, for herself, but also to help other people with this. She learned how to lay tarot cards, make family constellations, work the pendulum, do dowsing, houseclearing, interact with your guide and angels, and with gemstones and their magical powers. Years before that, she was already working on nutrition and health, and devising detox programs to help people get better.

She learned how important it is not only to cleanse your body, but also to cleanse your aura and mind and to balance them together. For example, through meditations, and using her gifts, she has learned to spiritually cleanse the aura and even houses for people. She has taught herself to ‘detox’ physically, mentally and emotionally. To make yourself trauma and emotion-free. To heal and heal yourself, even though doctors have given you up. In addition, she has become ‘experience expert’, by going through so much at a young age, and learning to deal with it, even with your HSP, ADD and refined paranormality. You can ‘understand’ people, and ’empathize’ and ’empathize’ with them, and therefore advise better because you have experienced it yourself. As an equal soul you approach the other human being. There is a big difference between advising from a high tower or on an equal footing. From person to person.

She also gives exercises to learn to ground better, to clear your head, and to get in touch with your own intuition. She is particularly good at guiding highly sensitive people (including children).

Everyone originally possesses this inner strength.

Everyone has a sixth sense. We only forget this, through parental upbringing, society and the hasty Western existence. Through training you can reactivate this sense and learn to use it properly.

In addition to learning which food suits you, your lifestyle and environment is,

Take a closer look at the people you associate with, your job, your home and your relationship. Everything is energy, and it interacts with you. Her strength is to be able to quickly and very accurately see where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Where the bottlenecks are, and how we can let them flow more freely. How to reconnect with yourself. Her debilitating Lyme disease has left her in bed for ten years, and her sensitivity to Wi-Fi and radiation has given her years of illness and struggles. Mourning her known past father, and clearing her heart, the illnesses, the radiation, depression, CFS and a burnout put her back into the new energy. She became her Own True Love.

Leda De Zwaan’s photo.

With her writing and her programs she wants to broaden people’s knowledge, touch them with a sense of ‘enlightenment’, which makes them look at the world and themselves with a new view. That people will develop themselves into their purest form, and find their own strength by showing how she found this strength. As a young woman she shows that wisdom and spirituality do not have to come with age, but she especially wants to inspire young people that they cannot start looking for themselves early enough. And that the ‘goat wool socks image’ is long gone. When she started her education, she wrote articles on the subject, to which the teachers responded: ‘You write well, but the topics really don’t interest Leda’. The reports on herbal women and mediums were viewed with a skewed eye. Friends and partners don’t understand your philosophy, it was often lonely. There have been many times when people you trust make you crack up, when you feel like no one believes in you. Still, keep believing in yourself, and your intuition is what you can always hold on to. Ten years ago she already said: ‘Just wait, in a few years the business will be booming. A new era of deepening, reflection and a new energy is dawning.’ Well, time has come.

Leda’s journalistic strength is that with her own warm and open personality she knows how to put people at ease, so that they dare to tell burgeoning stories. She treats every individual the same, be it the president of Suriname, an actress, a drug dealer or the neighbor on the corner. As a journalist, she has never used existing news, but her motto is ‘a real journalist creates and finds new news’. She will always bring news that is innovative and awareness-raising. Shedding new light on existing facts.

Enlightening, according to Enlightening.

She used her inner strength to heal herself, but also to help others with these wisdoms. That’s her mission. With media and communication she can convey what she stands for and raise awareness on a large scale. With coaching, she can guide people face-to-face, and put her gifts to work right away. The ideal combination was born.

This combination resulted in Enlightening Media®, and Enlightening Coaching® and Enlightening Massage® will also be launched shortly.

I could not have done this without the unconditional support of my girlfriends and friends (you know who you are), my family and all the teachers who have offered me courses, lectures, sessions, trainings and workshops because they believed in my mission and strength. You have always believed in me. Gave me energy and love. Without you, me and my company would not have been possible today. The poem ‘Angels’ is dedicated to you.

Love from Leda