Enlightening Coaching & Healing 2025
About Enlightening Coaching©
How we help as Life coach * Healer *Counsellor * Transformer?
Enlightening Media© and Enlightening Coaching© are registered copyrighted names. It is against law to use these names.
Self-Mastership© Articles, names, lectures, books or any other media performing or using this name is against copyright.
You can call on me with ALL of life’s issues, anything you are struggling with, and ask me for help with everything that we are going to make an overview of and will try to solve together. Whether it is physical, mental, psychological or spiritual. That does not matter. Look below the ‘SUBMENU’ (at the bottom of the site) which forms are specialisms, that perhaps are relevant to YOU! (Possibly also your partner or child.)
What is unique, is that we look at ALL facets in your life: Nutrition, exercise, communication, your friends, your relationship, your past, your past lives, your energy, your work, your mission, the blocks that are holding you back, your strengths, your house and much, much more…
My aim is to help you connect with your inner strength and to remove all blocks that are holding you back. Healing, transformation, insights and purification on both emotional – physical- relational and possibly spiritual level. Getting down to brass tacks, cutting knots, engaging change! Being connected with your inner strength, in stead of disconnected. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is strength. Insight and clarification is renewal!
▪ Highly sensitive and ADD-coaching towards Strength
▪ HSP and ADD in relationships & dealing with HSP and ADD as a partner
▪ HSP and ADD at work (or at school)
▪ Coaching highly sensitive children and their parents
▪ Teaching energetic protection
- Lyme * CFS * Burnout * Depression
- Treatment, insight, and ‘outsight’
- SELFLOVE Development
- Attracting your dreampartner
- Healing your friendships & Relationships & Family past
- Self-mastership: How to become your own hero, True Love, Guru, and Healer
▪ Relationship healing, processing, letting go or on the contrary: Attracting your True Partner
▪ Partner relationship-counseling
▪ Developing self love: the beginning!
▪ Attracting a new partner
▪ Insights why relationships have ‘broken up’ and what needed to be learnt
▪ Specialism: Soul mates and the process – Counselling individually or together
- Life meaning *Mission * Career * Living your unique Life-purpose
- Becoming resilient, cure and healing
- From unrest to peace
- From imbalance, to balance
- From emptiness to love
- From weak to strong
- From panic to ‘being aware’
Energetic cleanses, DNA cleanses, Karma cleansing, Regressiontherapy
- Cleaning up your aura, DNA, organs & energy
- Cleaning up past-lifes and karma
- Cleansing patterns and addictions
- Cleaning your past from addictions, trauma, family, expartners and much more energetic/emotional and psychological prisons-Blockages. Re-new your new Life.
Inner Child healings and sessions
Your inner child can be very traumatised and hurt in childhood, and later on, you develop habbit, patter, addictions, self-hate, inner demons, fears and even block yourelf from future, loving relationhips and friendships. We need to heal the inner child, make it feel safe, rebirth your grown up self in this world and take away the trauma’s/patterns to heal the future, and to make room for love.
5D Anti-aging detox programme Intense
- 5d means detoxing, cleansing and youthening your body, system, aura inner and outer appearence with ten to twenty years in half a year! This is possible, we work only with very enthusiastic people because it needs discipline. It is a programme for people after the age of thirty, but also for young people feeling very tired or old and want a new energy.
Sessions all over the world
▪ * Question time sessions *: You can ask anything you would like to know or discuss. Open sessions, where anything what is happing n that moment is allowed to be discussed. This can be dealt with through conversations * healing * coaching *
▪ (Also possible in workshops or lectures)
Through the contact form you send your application.
Possibilities: Email * Skype *Telephone * Face to face sessions
Aim: Your energy can only flow abundantly when you discover your mission and the rest of your ‘life’ is balanced. We should start making sure that the new energy will flow through all aspects of your life as well as possible, and this is why we will take everything into consideration.
Key-expertise and graduated on Topics as
- Regression-therapist
- Reincarnation-therapy
- Indigo-children coaching
- Starseeds-mission and Life-pupose
- Learning to live with Hypersensitivity or clairvoyancy/strong intuition
- Learning how to set bounderies in your life, cut cords, Loose baggage of the past and attract magic!
- New Energy Coach: Coaching with techniques of and in the new energy that was never done before
- New earth writer: Writings to change humanities into powerfull, wise, stronger and loving beings. With a Free will, free choice, We are all one.
- Learning how to set bounderies in your life, cut cords, Loose baggage of the past and attract magic!
- New Energy Coach: Coaching with techniques of and in the new energy that was never done before
- New earth writer: Writings to change humanities into powerfull, wise, stronger and loving beings. With a Free will, free choice, We are all one.
- HSP/ADD/ADHD children, relationships and parents
- Soulmates and Self-Love
- Detox to vitality, youth and a New energy I Life
- Personilized meditations
- Spiritual teachings
- Relationship-coaching
- Depression/cvs
- Lyme treatment
- Electro-hypersensitivity
- Sustainibility
- Nutrition
- Twinsouls- and soulmates
- Changing your life into happines and JOY
- From zero to Hero
- Company coaching to a succesfull, pure, original & Honest product
- Awakening and energy upifting articles and video’s
- Trendwatcher in all 5D- Healing possibilities
- Back to your original blueprint (Who you really are)
- Sjamanistic healings
- Inner child/ Childhood healing
- Trauma healing
- Past Lives and karma-healing
- Clearing aura and house
- Electro magnetic Radiance Awareness
- Advisor in energy clearing and High vibrational tools
- Transformation
- One to one coaching and conversations
- Human & Universal laws protector
- Job coaching
- From mind- to love
- From ego to soul
- Clearing the past memories
- Stand up in your power
- New Energy shift writer an coaching for individuals and businesses or groups
- More coaching and lecture/counselling posibillities
Topics of expertise for Enlightening Media & Coachings
TOPICS that can be used in healings and coaching, with our expertise
Topics in articles/coaching as:
- Regression
- Reincarnation
- Indigo
- Starseeds
- HSP/ADD/ADHD children, relationships and parents
- Soulmates and Self-Love
- Detox to vitality, youth and a New energy I Life
- Personilized meditations
- Spiritual teachings
- Relationship-coaching
- Depression/cvs
- Lyme treatment
- Electro-hypersensitivity
- Sustainibility
- Nutrition
- Twinsouls- and soulmates
- Changing your life into happines and JOY
- From zero to Hero
- Company coaching to a succesfull, pure, original & Honest product
- Awakening and energy upifting articles and video’s
- Trendwatcher in all 5D- Healing possibilities
- Back to your original blueprint (Who you really are)
- Sjamanistic healings
- Inner child/ Childhood healing
- Trauma healing
- Past Lives and karma-healing
- Clearing aura and house
- Electro magnetic Radiance Awareness
- Advisor in energy clearing and High vibrational tools
- Transformation
- One to one coaching and conversations
- Human & Universal laws protector
- Job coaching
- From mind- to love
- From ego to soul
- Clearing the past memories
- Stand up in your power
- New Energy shift writer an coaching for individuals and businesses or groups (Many different branches- We are all people with the same needs in the end
‘In light & Love. We are all One, and we are all masters. We just forgot who we really are. It was always there. I will hold the light, to let you meet Yourself again.’/ Leda de Zwaan
HIT the contact button if you feel connection and the right vibration! You are Welcome.
How we help as Life coach * Healer *Counsellor * Transformer?
You can call on me with ALL of life’s issues, anything you are struggling with, and ask me for help with everything that we are going to make an overview of and will try to solve together. Whether it is physical, mental, psychological or spiritual. That does not matter. Look below the ‘SUBMENU’ (at the bottom of the site) which forms are specialisms, that perhaps are relevant to YOU! (Possibly also your partner or child.)
What is unique, is that we look at ALL facets in your life: nutrition, exercise, communication, your friends, your relationship, your past, your past lives, your energy, your work, your mission, the blocks that are holding you back, your strengths, your house and much, much more… My aim is to help you connect with your inner strength and to remove all blocks that are holding you back. Healing, transformation, insights and purification on both emotional – physical- relational and possibly spiritual level. Getting down to brass tacks, cutting knots, engaging change! Being connected with your inner strength, in stead of disconnected. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is strength. Insight and clarification is renewal!

▪ Highly sensitive and ADD-coaching towards Strength
▪ HSP and ADD in relationships & dealing with HSP and ADD as a partner
▪ HSP and ADD at work (or at school)
▪ Coaching highly sensitive children and their parents
▪ Teaching energetic protection
- Lyme * CFS * Burnout * Depression
- Treatment, insight, and ‘outsight’
- SELFLOVE Development
- Attracting your dreampartner
- Healing your friendships & Relationships & Family past
- Self-mastership: How to become your own hero, True Love, Guru, and Healer
▪ Relationship healing, processing, letting go or on the contrary, attracting
▪ Partner relationship counselling
▪ Developing self love: the beginning!
▪ Attracting a new partner
▪ Insights why relationships have ‘broken up’ and what needed to be learnt
▪ Specialism: Soul mates and the process – Counselling individually or together
- Life meaning *Mission * Career * Living your unique Lie-puporse
- Becoming resilient, cure and healing
- From unrest to peace
- From imbalance, to balance
- From emptiness to love
- From weak to strong
- From panic to ‘being aware’
Energetic cleanses, DNA cleanses, Karma cleansing, Regressiontherapy
- Cleaning up your aura, DNA, organs, energy
- Cleaning up past-lifes and karma
- Cleansing patterns and addictions
- Cleaning your past from addictions, trauma, family, expartners and much more energetic/emotional and psychological prisons-Blockages. Re-new your new Life.
Inner Child healings and sessions
Your inner child can be very traumatised and hurt in childhood, and later on, you develop habbit, patter, addictions, self-hate, inner demons, fears and even block yourelf from future, loving relationhips and friendships. We need to heal the inner child, make it feel safe, rebirth your grown up self in this world and take away the trauma’s/patterns to heal the future, and to make room for love.
5D Anti-aging detox programme Intense
- 5d means detoxing, cleansing and yuthening your body, system, aura inner and outer appearence with ten to twenty years in half a year! This is possible, we work only with very enthusiastic people because it needs discipline. It is a programme for people after the age of thirty, but also for young people feeling very tired or old and want a new energy.
Sessions all over the world
▪ * Question time sessions *: You can ask anything you would like to know or discuss. Open sessions, where anything what is happing n that moment is allowed to be discussed. This can be dealt with through conversations * healing * coaching *
▪ (Also possible in workshops or lectures)
Through the contact form you send your application.
Possibilities: Email * Skype *Telephone * Face to face sessions
Aim: Your energy can only flow abundantly when you discover your mission and the rest of your ‘life’ is balanced. We should start making sure that the new energy will flow through all aspects of your life as well as possible, and this is why we will take everything into consideration.
Leda De Zwaan
Email: Enlighteningmediaencoaching@gmail.com
Website: www.EnlighteningMedia.com
Book your session/coaching/healing NOW!
Enlightening Media & Coaching is available again, for sessions/talks/healings/coaching on Subjects as:*Self-mastership, Self-love, Twinsouls, Regression, Karma cleanse, regression therapy, Detox 5d Consultation, Lyme, Depression, CVS/Burn-out, Life tired, Add, HSP, starseed children and their parents, New Energy symptoms in the body, Relationship counseling, karma, family karma, releasing remembering as clear past lives, regressiontherapy, Inner childtion aand depression healings, energetich highering up your vibration, and trauma healing, addicFinding your Soulmate, Releasing the past, Releasing Pain, Organ healing, and ‘ fire-away’ sessions ( An hour where you can ask anything about life and yourself.)
If you would like to receive guidance, healing or good lifecoaching- Check the ‘ Contact us’ button for a session.You can send me an inbox or email to enlighteningmediaencoaching@gmail.com. Sessions are 1 hour to my 1,5 hour and all by phone-email or skype (energy is one vibration- it does not matter where you are to help You.)
First we will look to what you need, and which subjects you choose for your own Path.
This month is a wonderfull period for ancient And very New High Energeticcally Long distance-healings. Which works in on your energy for 9 hours to reset your body, aura, chakra’s, and to ground you and release pain, emotional stress, heart pain, karma, and it even resets organs. Contact me for ‘ long-distant healing’ if you are interested. I can do this daily, you can even book an ankh-healing on the same day you feel low/depressed/panick attacks/trouble with sleeping, emotional or are not grounded. The link on how this works is underneath this text.
Sessions are also available on these matters:Family-karma
releasing toxic relationships and friendships.
Clear your house energetically, and help people with EHS ( Electro Hyper sensitivity)
How to live, survive, eat, how to deal with this, and we reset your life, to a life where you have a healthy home and a more healthy body.– I have ten years scientifically researched Radiance, wifi and the effects of radiation on our human body and energy field. I have done this as journalist, and my background in Energetic science- Also I am myself EHS ( Electric Hyper-Sensitive Syndrom) Now I help anyone else with these problems. We can change things in the house, you will receive a detox for your body, and i help you live with this, better, in a way that puts you in a power.
This also counts for HSP/ADD people, starseed children (And also parental coaching of Starseed Parents- How to coach your children, in a world that is overwhelming) – And lightworkers.
How to deal with your gifts, and how to change your life in a powerfull life that suits you.- and where you Beam * Step into Self-mastership and Become the writer of your own Movie, called Your Life. How to step into Self-Love? How to change your energy-system, how to change the relatio with lovers, friends, cllegues, your parents and even on Social Media?
There is also a programme to make you look and ‘ feel’ ten years younger in half a year. This is a tough programme. We work on your body, your thoughts, your mind, your relationships, friends, they way you act and live, what your thoughts are, what you eat and we can find any blockage there is. That is why it is called 5d detox: Body, mind, soul, spirit and the zone where is no ‘ time or ego or materie’, the 5th dimension.
5D because we are resetting all factors of your whole being. As a human- As a soul- As a part of this Cosmos- As a part of this system.
Send your request soon, It is very busy here in this world :-))

*Check here all the programmes (in Both Dutch and English)
Onder dit kopje is een kopje coaching en heling in het Nederlands.
* https://www.enlighteningmedia.nl/coaching-heling-en-sessies-bij-enlightening-coaching/
* Check here the Long-distant healing: https://www.enlighteningmedia.nl/distant-aura-and-energy-healing/ (Nederlands) (English)
* Check here our/my biography and mission: www.enlighteningmedia.nl/about-eng/
* Check here one of or many published articles that goes globally : http://themindunleashed.org/author/ledatmu
We hope to help you with your request within a short period. Your request first will be archived, tell us exactely which subjects you are interested in, and what you feel is needed for your healing or awakening.
It might take a while you get answer back with a schedule, it depends on how many people need help. * Talk Sessions are done by the Hour (Phone or skype)- With a max of 1,5 hour per session * A organhealing/regression-session takes more then a hour- Usually 2 or 3 hours. * Healings are done by only email – We only need your info etc. 1 healing works 3 weeks intensively.
* All subjects mainly are one and a half hour per session- And it is your choice how much/many you need.
Sessions available in Nederlands en English
The Enlightening Media & Coaching Team