New Energy forecast by Leda We are shifting now from a 3D level towards a 5D reality. You may experience strange dreams, lost of sleep or sleep problems, Problems with [...]
Dear brothers and sisters * Lieve broeders en zussen, Enlightening Coaching is ready to assist you. We work with these appointments You can schedule a session by phone and [...]
De grootste shift ooit op de planeet is NU: Sta in de missie Een missie leven – nu is de tijd Ik geloof dat iedereen een MISSIE heeft. Wanneer je deze missie voelt, [...]
Knowing that one person living on earth, truly loves you- Can change your whole being. What means ‘ The ‘I See you’- The encounter with a Soul-dimension on [...]
♥–This is how you Know.–♥. *Feeling peace with Nothing ‘ knowing it at all’. Stillness inside.* By Leda de Zwaan- April 2017 A Cosmic partner does [...]